East Bay Aikido

We have suspended inside classes and will be meeting online or in small groups outside. Our new dues structure reflects this new situation.

Adults Program             $60.00

Teens Program              $40.00

​Mat Fee                       Donation

Registration Fee           $25.00

Uniforms are not needed for online classes or for our in-person trainings held outside (dress according to the weather).

There are no contracts or long-term obligations to sign. It's best to think of your dues as your financial contribution to your ongoing commitment to your practice and the dojo community - not as paying for lessons.

Dues are due on the 1st of each month. Dues paid after the 7th of the month are subject to a self-imposed $10.00 late fee.

To remain an Active Member, dues are due whether or not you attend classes.

If you join in the middle of a month, dues for that month will be prorated.

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you are experiencing financial hardship, talk to the Chief Instructor to make alternate financial arrangements as necessary. Times of hardship are when you need your practice the most.

Donations and gifts are gratefully accepted and used for the greater good of the entire Community.

It is not uncommon for students to contribute above the requested dues as their financial circumstances allow. Generosity is always appreciated!


Learn the Art of Compassionate Self-Defense
Be the Change You Seek in the World
Allow No Harm - Do No Harm